Dulf’s Burger reflects the entire value chain of Burger creation to the highest quality standards and #derbelecker at the same time:
Dulf minces! Dulf forms! Dulf bakes!
Everything prepared in-house and without preservatives or flavour enhancing additives!!!
Beef – Dulf’s premium beef is the most important player on the field
Dulf is supplied daily with fresh coarse bovine cuts from Schleswig-Holstein. For the high quality of his home-made burger patties, Dulf only gets the forequarters of the red-white heifer cattle for his mincer. Dulf’s farm of trust, holds its animals a species-appropriate environment, as well as plenty of space in the stables and pays attention to healthy and natural food. The cultivation under the best ecological conditions guarantees the excellent meat quality. Dulf’s premium beef is characterized by the particularly high level of fat marbling in lean meat. The meat is then freshly minced at Dulf’s Burger without any added preservatives or the like, before being hand-shaped into burger patties. The open fire of the lava stone grill provides the smoky aroma, as well as a light crust from outside and within, for the perfect cooking level. Dulf recommends to order the meat cooked medium, due to the high quality of its premium beef patties!
Bread – What would a team be without its teammates?
For a burger to be #derbelecker, the bread must not be too heavy. Dulf’s Burger Buns hold the insane taste explosion of the Burgers together in two halves and are prepared every day fresh from the best ecological raw materials and baked in three variations:
Dulf’s sesame: classic, wheat flour-based, hand-shaped, refined with sesame seeds, fluffy and soft.
Dulf’s Brioche: exquisite with a light sweetness, based on wheat flour and butter, egg and milk. Formed by hand and coated with egg yolk, fluffy and soft.
Dulf’s Ciabatta: hearty and rustic, shaped by hand on wheat flour rye, seasoned with salt. Uneven and coarse pores and a strong crust.

Toppings – A team is only as strong as its weakest link
The toppings accompany the burger on the culinary journey to the ultimate flavourful explosion. The great art of perfect topping, is to make the burger believe it’s just about beef! Thus every burger at Dulf’s has the undivided attention of an individual topping -designed and perfected according to the unique traits of the burger! The only common denominator that connects every burger at Dulf’s is the crisp-fresh Lollo Bionda salad. All toppings freshly prepared on the spot every day with great effort, care, research, development and without any additives or E –numbers.
Sauces –A burger with no sauce is lost. But the same burger can be lost in the sauce
For Dulf, there is no industrially produced sauce that would be good enough for a burger with Dulf’s quality seal #derbelecker, not in taste or in quality. For the preparation of Dulf Sauces there is no recipe too complicated or expensive. Sauces that bear the name, such as Dulf’s Rucola Mayo or Dulf’s Blue Cheese Mayo etc. are actually made with the titled foods. For example Dulf’s Chilli Cheese Sauce, is made up of heaps of cheese that is melted down and sprinkled with jalapeños.